SCL South Bay Committee Active members may sponsor new members annually. Applications are due March 1st of each year.
Contact Michele Dahlerbruch at for more information.
ATTEND meetings regularly...
Active/Provisional – at least 8 per year, notify Hospitality Chair for absence
Professional – at least 2 per year, notify Hospitality Chair when attending
Arrive promptly at 10:30
FULFILL financial obligations...
Annual dues (Active/Provisional $50, Professional $75) plus $25 Installation Luncheon in June
Benefit ticket - $125 and Opportunity tickets - $75
SUPPORT our Annual Benefit...
Attend and provide a guest list
Secure donation item(s) worth at least $100
Active/Provisional - Work at least one job prior to and at least one job at the Benefit
Professional - Work at least one job prior or one job at the Benefit
Assist with food and/or craft making work parties
SUPPORT our Annual Benefit...
Attend, promote and assist where needed
SERVE on the Hospitality Committee as scheduled...
Host or co-host one meeting (Active/Provisional)
VISIT a Momentum or other program facility as part of our SCL off-site meeting
JOIN as a supporting member…
Associate – Annual dues of $100, must have been an Active member for at least 3 years
Patroness – Annual dues of $200
Associates and Patroness members are welcome to attend all meeting and social events
Conducting SCL business at a monthly meeting
A yearly ritual...making SCL's food products!
Santa Monica Field Trip